Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to be a More Spontaneous Introvert - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to be a More Spontaneous Introvert - Introvert Whisperer How to be a More Spontaneous Introvert Kayla Matthews June 13, 2019 Dealing with Fear No responses Go to top These days it seems that anyone short of a social media influencer can declare Im an extraverted introvert! Its like a sugarcoated way of saying Im normal, but Id like to appear nuanced. Weve all had days when we feel shy. But for a true introvert, getting out and trying new things is a big challenge. If youre reading this, maybe you know what thats like. Breaking the ice and getting comfortable going off-plan can be hugely liberating, but its hard to do. So start by taking some baby steps, for example Stop Making Excuses One habit everyone, not just introverts, is guilty of is creating roadblocks for yourself. Sometimes, its just simpler to live in a world where I cant because I have to be up early for work, or my body just doesnt go for exercise in the morning. Ask yourself, is that really the reason youre not doing these things? Are you looking for a convenient out? Test your boundaries and you might find out that once you arrive at that social event youve been avoiding, youre so happy you got there. Do Something Fun, Spontaneously Travelers often talk about the rush that comes when they purchase a set of plane tickets. Youre committed, the trip is happening! Maybe you dont start with a trip overseas, you could begin by taking a vacation to a nearby getaway or choosing to finally get out that camera that was always supposed to be your hobby and going for a walk in the park. It doesnt really matter what you do, harnessing the idea that you can do something thats not to plan and enjoy it is where the real value lies. Remove Distractions You probably know that you have time-sucking habits that occupy hours of each day. The favorite cellphone game that you fire up after work, the television series that you cant stop binge-watching but know you should. Challenge yourself to take that time and apply it towards completing a project or learning a new skill. You might be surprised and how you dont miss your old time wasters. You might actually feel quite accomplished. Be Honest With Yourself About What You Want to Do As an introvert, it can be easy to obsess over what other people think. For example, that destination wedding thats going to break the bank. All your friends are going and its just not for you. If its giving you anxiety, have the confidence to act on your feelings. Thats not to say you should just feel comfortable quitting on things, either. Pick a day, mark it on your calendar and tell yourself Im going to try something new. Maybe its a baseball game, maybe its trying a new restaurant. Do something, relax and enjoy yourself. Dont Be Afraid To Talk about Your Introversion The things that youve been shy about doing, have you ever tried them? Think of the last time you had a genuinely negative experience, was it really because you chose to go out or be social? Maybe its time to reach out to your friends and let them know you want to come out, but its difficult. If they understand what youre going through, the experience will be more relatable for you and them. People who care about you will go out of their way to understand how they can improve your experience. Dont Expect To Become a Socialite Overnight At first, this is all probably going to be awkward. Keep working at it. Its going to take some repetition to break down the part of you that wants to hesitate and there will always be a part of you thats introverted. Getting comfortable being social doesnt mean reinventing yourself as a person, mental health experts will attest that your focus isnt so much outright change as becoming comfortable with the feeling of being yourself and allowing some flexibility instead of holding back. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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